The Fourteenth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2012
Berkeley Prize 2012

Bryans Mukasa Bio

"I grew up in Kampala city, in an extended family setting with high regard for indigenous ways of life. These principles, coupled with the political instability in my country, Uganda, have greatly influenced my worldview. Furthermore, the curriculum at the Faculty of the Built Environment, Uganda Martyrs University has exposed me to the entire gamut of buildings and the environment thus laying a strong foundation in the field of Sustainable Architecture. I have gained substantial knowledge in low-cost housing, emergency shelter, Green technologies, and most importantly, the link between culture, climate and settlements.

My main area of interest is how Architecture can be used to creatively merge the ‘rural ‘and the ‘urban’ in order to ensure sustainable development in Africa. In part fulfilment of the requirements of an undergraduate degree with Honours, I wrote a thesis on the “Architecture of an African Post-colonial community” by critically analysing the architecture of the former Belgian colonial town of Butare in Rwanda. Through this research, I have learnt that for architects to merge the ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ in Africa, there is need to understand how Africans live, work, relate and consume. These aspects have been ignored, as architecture in most African cities is apparently a replica of metropolitan models in Dubai and the Western world, with little emphasis on the locale.

I therefore intend to direct my research towards creating architecture that preserves the valued African traditions with emphasis on community while responding to the opportunities and technologies presented by globalisation."

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Bryans Mukasa, Uganda Martyr's University, Kampala, Uganda
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