The First Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 1999
Berkeley Prize 1999

The 1999 Essay Prize Competition

An essay contest in Two stages open to all current full-time registered students in an undergraduate architecture degree program, undergraduates majoring in architecture, or diploma students in accredited schools of architecture worldwide. 1,500USD Purse.

An Invited Competition for Undergraduate Architecture Students
University of California, Berkeley
California College of Arts and Crafts, San Francisco


Architects question the suitability of the generic American Nursing Home as a humane envvironment for the Frail Elderly and propose innovate design ideas.

STAGE ONE: (5 weeks): Does the "Nursing Home", as an architectural vehicle for the Long Term Care of the Elderly, work well as a humane environment? If so, what are its BEST and WORST features? The Architect's answers to this qustion are informedc by reading critical literature and by direct experience of at least two nursing homes of the architect's choice.

STAGE TWO: (5 days): Design charrette in which a new "client", trusting the architect's knowledge of the "community" it serves, asks for the architect's help with certain plans for remodeling.

STAGE THREE: (2 stages): In-house selection of the best work from CCAC and from UC Berkeley; final jury and presentation of prizes at UC Berkeley.

Essay Prize Jurors

Benjamin Clavan, Ph.D., Architect, West Hollywood, USA 
Andrew Fischer, Regan Bice Architects, Berkeley, USA 
Raymond Lifchez, University of California, Berkeley, USA 
W. Mike Martin, University of California, Berkeley, USA 
Karin Payson, Karin Payson architecture and design, San Francisco, USA 
Michael Pyatok, Pyatok Associates, Oakland and Seattle, USA; University of Washington, Seattle, USA 
Wendy Tsuji, Frost & Tsuji, San Francisco, USA 
Richard Whitaker, University of Illinois at Chicago, emeritus, Berkeley, USA

Competition Schedule

Stage One: Investigating and Documenting
DECEMBER 8--nursing home investigations begin.
Readings available for Xeroxing personal copies at VOGUE Graphics, CCAC, and at the Department of Architecture, 232 Wurster Hall, UCB. 
DECEMBER 8--JANUARY 13: Reading, Investigating, Documenting.

Stage Two: The Charrette
JANUARY 13 @ 10am. Design program issued:
Lecture Hall, CCAC and Department of Architecture, 232 Wurster Hall, UCB
JANUARY 18 @ 10-10:30am. : Entries turned in
CCAC, Academic Affairs, ; Berkeley, Room 108

Stage Three: Juries, Exhibits, Awards
JANUARY 19-25--Juries and Exhibits: Berkeley and CCAC select and exhibit projects. 
JANUARY 30, SATURDAY--Final Jury and Awards at UC Berkeley

Competition Presentations

1. The competition designs will be presented on 2, rigid 30"x40" boards, placed end to end (horizontal surface 30"x80").

2. Support for the ideas presented will be indicated by annotating the Presentation Boards with material drawn from the Nursing Hom investigations. 

3. Design presentation smust be illustrated with realistic human figures that inform the jurors understanding of the ideas the architect has in mind.

Competition Eligibility

Undergraduate individuals or teams may compete. 
Teams my include undergraduates students from other academic disciplines as long as at least one of the team is an Architecture Major.

PRIZE: $1500.00
The Final Jury may award one or two prizes as well as Honorable Mentions.

Copies of this anouncement are available on 8-1/2"x11" sheets in the Departments of Architecture, CCAC & Berkeley.

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
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