The Eighth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2006
Berkeley Prize 2006

Winning Proposals

(May 16, 2006) The University of California, Berkeley - Winners of the Third Annual Berkeley Prize Travel Fellowship Competition are announced today by Professor Raymond Lifchez, Chair of the Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence.

The 2006 Berkeley Prize Travel Fellowship is awarded to:

Andrew Amara, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

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"I was born and raised in Kampala, Uganda. I developed a love for art while growing up: my family is large and we come from a farming village, my parents are from the same tribe but different clans. I have come to appreciate our local traditions & culture. Today however, societies are losing their customs. I am interested in architecture that explores and expresses our cultures and lifestyles while finding a bridge between the modern and old. Ever since I began my secondary education, I have always been curious about new trends, approaches and solutions. Can urban spaces be tailored to suit our lifestyles, values; to convey meaning?  I am also inspired by the tropical nature around, and the role it plays in the quest for shelter. Others interests are sustainable housing and green architecture. I am currently completing my 4th year at the Architecture school, Makerere University, in Kampala."

The 2006 Berkeley Prize Travel Fellowship Runner-Up is awarded to:

Dustin Tobias, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, United States

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"I am currently entering my thesis year of the 5-year BArch program at Temple University in Philadelphia, and recently completed a semester studying abroad in Rome. I was the recipient of a Temple University Rome Scholarship, as well as the school's 2004 architectural portfolio prize. My entry for the Designboom 100% tiles competition was exhibited at the 100% Design Fair in London, and I have had articles published in the journals Crit and 306090. My architectural interests include the use of dynamic structures and investigations into the latent social potential of existing and obsolete urban infrastructures. Upon graduation I plan on interning, then pursuing graduate studies."

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