The Seventh Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2005
Berkeley Prize 2005

The 2005 Travel Fellowship Competition

This opportunity is open to each student who placed as a semifinalist in the 2005 BERKELEY PRIZE Essay Competition.


In 2004, The Berkeley Prize Committee established the Berkeley Prize Travel Fellowship. This new Prize recognizes the vital role that exposure to other cultures and environments plays in helping to demonstrate the reality and importance of the Social Art of Architecture. All Finalists for the Essay Competition are invited to submit proposals demonstrating how they would use an expenses-paid trip to an architecturally-significant destination and/or event selected by the Prize Committee. 

The Travel Fellowship proposals are read by a sub-committee of the Berkeley Prize who consider what the student proposes in light of what they have already written in their qualifying essays. More importantly, those submitting proposals are evaluated as to how they demonstrate that travel, and the specific travel opportunity presented that year, would be a significant part of their education as a socially-conscious and socially-committed architect. 

The 2005 Berkeley Prize Travel Fellowship recipient will assist and participate in the International Union of Architect Congress to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, June 25-July 11, 2005. Finalists for the 2005 Berkeley Prize are eligible to compete for this additional prize award. The award includes a round-trip air ticket (economy class) from your university city to Istanbul, Turkey, and a cash stipend of USD$1,500. Finalists who are part of a team may compete as individuals.

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