The Eleventh Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2009
Berkeley Prize 2009

The 2009 Travel Fellowship Competition

This opportunity is open to each student who placed as a semifinalist in the 2009 BERKELEY PRIZE Essay Competition.


Semifinalists who select this option are invited to submit proposals demonstrating how they would use the opportunity to travel to an architecturally-significant destination, preferably to participate in a hands-on service-oriented situation.  This is an exciting opportunity to explore a different part of the world and to participate in an organized project that will assist the winner in gaining a deeper understanding of the social art of architecture.??

Travel Fellowship candidates will be asked to submit a proposal for a specific plan of travel and study away from their academic institution during the Summer of 2009. The Travel Fellowship provides round-trip airfare from the city in which you are studying to the destination and back, and a stipend to cover lodging, food, and incidentals during your stay, normally enough for three weeks. ??

The requirements for the Travel Fellowship Proposals are open-ended. The BERKELEY PRIZE Committee looks for both an understanding of the opportunity that is offered, and an understanding of the possible ways in which the student's research into the current year's PRIZE topic  - Sustainable Design/Traditional Wisdom - might be furthered by the travel opportunity. ??The winning student will be asked to write a Report on their travels that will be posted on the Berkeley Prize website. Students are also asked to keep a photo diary of their time spent traveling that will also be posted on the website.

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