The Sixth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2004
Berkeley Prize 2004

To Enter

As Finalists for the 2004 Berkeley Prize, you are eligible to compete for a special additional prize award to visit Barcelona, Spain for two weeks during the summer or fall of 2004. The award includes a round-trip air ticket (economy class) from your university city to Barcelona, and a cash stipend of $1,500 U.S. Finalists who are part of a team may compete as individuals. 

To compete for the additional Barcelona prize, we are going to ask you to present a Proposal of 750 words as to how you would take advantage of this two-week opportunity. You may include one visual image as part of your Proposal if you wish. The requirements for both the Proposal and your activities are open-ended. We want you to investigate to whatever extent you think necessary, the opportunities provided by Forum Barcelona 2004Arquitectura 3000:The Architecture of In-difference; and the city of Barcelona itself. 

Tell us how you would take advantage of those opportunities and what kind of project you would like to submit to the Berkeley Prize Committee at the conclusion of your visit. The form your investigation takes-text, photographs, drawings -- will be used by the Berkeley Prize Committee in rendering its final report on the Berkeley/Barcelona Prize 2004. If you are awarded the Barcelona Prize, your Proposal will become the "Contract" for your time in Barcelona. 

Remember, if you should send an image it should be specifically related and reinforce in some way the written portion of your essay. More importantly, the jury will look for a thoughtful and detailed Proposal of how you plan to spend your time in Barcelona. 


Barcelona Proposals are due by May 15, 2004 and must be submitted online. If you are a finalist, you can access the Barcelona Prize submission page in your current Author Portfolio. There you will find a new link that says: BARCELONA PRIZE. Click on that link to submit your 750 word Proposal and to upload your single image, if you have one. Please keep the image smaller than 300x400 pixels. There is no limitation on file size, but please remember the larger the file, the longer it will take to upload, so please be patient while uploading. The winner will be announced June 1, 2004. 

(NOTE: For those of you who wish to participate in Forum Barcelona 2004 or Arquitectura 3000 or both, the Berkeley Prize Committee will be able to put you in touch with organizers of the events.)

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
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