The Nineteenth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence 2017
Berkeley Prize 2017

Aarushi Sharma Bio

Typically North-Indian, I have grown up in many small towns and big cities. While I moved around a lot, it meant multifold transient relationships; the constant in my life have been books and family. So traveling and reading are an irreplaceable part of me. Pursuing architecture surpassed the pragmatic means of simply acquiring higher education, just six months into the course. It is a way of life. It, henceforth, shaped my ideals and changed my perception. To the study of Architecture, I owe my growth and outlook towards the wide horizon of understanding humanity. I call myself an Ambivert. Music brings out the creative side of me. I'm incessantly working towards learning new things. I intend to explore writing, more profoundly. Currently, in the final year of Bachelor of Architecture, I further want to work for the people and understand the social cause of architecture of present-day cities. I believe that monumental architecture is vital for a city, but architecture humanized is what keeps it alive and thriving.

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
Ms. Aarushi Sharma, School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal, Bhopal India
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