The Sixteenth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence 2014
Berkeley Prize 2014

Sheila Malingu - Bio

My goal is to become one of the foremost, practicing advocates of environmental and physical architectural planning in East Africa within the next 5 years. With particular reference to Uganda, most cities are dirty and congested mostly because, I believe, planners and architects have absconded their station and are beating a fast retreat against a withering attack from a newly wealthy elite who all think they should own a bit of the High Street. Uganda is a country endowed with immense natural beauty. Our cities, to put it mildly, are ugly. Every available space in these places is parceled out for building one thing or other.

I am aware that proper use of environmental resources is already a key development and livelihood sustainability issue throughout the world. In the coming years, this issue is going to be particularly important for East Africa for two reasons: (i) the discovery of commercially exploitable quantities of oil and gas in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda will require dynamic and adequately informed environmental architectures to deal with soil and water conservation issues; and (ii) a high human population growth rate in the region means that new habitation and civil works designs will become a major economic development strategy.

I am obligated to contribute.

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
Ms. Sheila Malingu, Uganda Martyrs University (UMU), Kampala Uganda
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