Joseph Francis Wong - Bio
Dr Joseph Francis Wong is an Assistant Professor at the City University of Hong Kong, where he has taught architectural design and theory for the past 16 years. He is currently the Assistant Head (Architectural Studies Major) in the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the Major Programme Leader for both the Bachelor of Science (Honours) and Associate of Science in Architectural Studies.
Dr Wong received his Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) from the University of California at Berkeley, Master of Architecture from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Doctor of Education from the University of Leicester. He became a full member of the Hong Kong Institute of Architects in 1996 and is active in a number of HKIA committees and boards, including the Board of Internal Affairs, Board of Educational Affairs, Planning and Lands Committee and the Environment and Sustainable Design Committee, which he was Chairman 2007-08. Dr Wong’s research interests are in open building and spatial/visual field analysis. His writings have been presented and published in many conferences and refereed journals, including top journals Design Studies, Habitat International, Journal of Architecture and Environment and Planning B.