To Enter
This year there are up to four, separate Teaching Fellowships available for the most innovative and promising proposals that reflect the overall goals of the Fellowship. Here are the ground rules:
Any full-time or part-time faculty member who is teaching undergraduate studio design courses or Diploma in Architecture studio design courses in any accredited school of architecture throughout the world may participate in this Fellowship opportunity. The Fellowship may be applied to a new course for the express purpose of teaching “Healthful Architecture”, or as a subject extension to an existing course.
The Teaching Fellowship extends over the course of your typical academic year, but must start sometime in the 2014 calendar year.
Submission Requirements:
1. A 500-word brief that highlights the applicant’s credentials as an undergraduate architecture faculty member who is teaching studio design, detailing your experience and interest in the goals of the Teaching Fellowship.
2. A maximum, three-page, studio course syllabus, detailing,
- Design project(s) over the period of the Fellowship.
- Academic level and number of undergraduates to be taught.
- Which, if any, national performance criteria for architectural education will your studio address. (For example, in the United States, the “Student Performance Criteria” of the National Architectural Accreditation Board).
- Student requirements, including the anticipated product(s) of the studio.
- The specific criteria that will be used to evaluate student work for its adherence to the social art of architecture perspective.
- A list of additional teaching staff that may be involved with this studio.
- The participation of those who will act as consultants/user experts (a user/expert can be anyone who has developed natural experience in dealing with the challenges of our built environment), and critics. Note: At least half of the consultants should have direct experience in using the settings to be addressed in your studio.
- Field trips, readings, etc. that will be used to encourage students' awareness of the state of the art of architectural design for the particular context selected.
3. A detailed course schedule for whatever constitutes a full academic year in your institution.
4. A letter of commitment from your school’s appropriate administrator that if you are selected for the Fellowship, the school will offer the course for the 2014-2015 academic year for typical course credit.
5. Submittals written in English.
Fellowship Deliverables:
1. Monthly, a 1000-word written update on your studio progress highlighting the development of the students’ engagement in the concept of “healthful environments”, as well as the successes and challenges, administrative or otherwise, confronted each month in teaching the studio.
2. Participation in eight, one-hour video teleconferences with the other Teaching Fellows, four each semester, to be coordinated by the PRIZE. (Please confirm that you have access to internet technology sufficient to participate in the teleconferences.)
3. Limited end-of-semester examples of your students’ work or process in a format usable for posting on the PRIZE website.
4. Final, 1500-word written essay reflecting on your personal development as an educator and professional as a result of the Fellowship and what differences did it make for you and your students. This essay should be in an article format for, at a minimum, posting on the PRIZE website.
1. The stipend is 6000USD, to be awarded in 3 equal payments: The first 2000USD upon accepting the fellowship; the second 2000USD at the end of the first semester; and the third 2000USD at the end of the academic year.
2. Payment of the stipend is anticipated to go directly to the teacher. In instances where the school requires all such payments to be made through the school’s administration, please include the details of the payment system as an attachment to your proposal. In general, the BERKELEY PRIZE will not entertain proposals that require any additional payment to the school for administration of the Fellowship monies.
Proposals due any time before 11:59 P.M. GMT, May 31, 2014. The winners of the Fellowship(s) will be announced at the beginning of July, 2014 by email.
Send all proposed materials to If possible, create a .zip file for multiple documents. Hopefully, all documents can be no more than 20MB total. NOTE: Please put “2014 Teaching Fellowship Application” in your email subject line.
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 Chase Palm Park, Santa Barbara, California, USA
 Chase Palm Park, Santa Barbara, California, USA
 Davis Central Park, Davis, California, USA
 Davis Central Park, Davis, California, USA
 Davis Central Park, Davis, California, USA
 Davis Commons, Davis, California, USA
 Davis Commons, Davis, California, USA
 Edelman Childrens Courthouse, Monterey Park, California, USA
 Edelman Childrens Courthouse, Monterey Park, California, USA
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 Glendale Edison Elementary School and Park, Glendale, California, USA
 Presidio Park Trails & Bikeways, San Francisco, California, USA
 Presidio Park Trails & Bikeways, San Francisco, California, USA
 Tule Elk Child Development Center, San Francisco, California, USA
 “R” Street Corridor Urban Design and Development Plan, Sacramento, California, USA
 “R” Street Corridor Urban Design and Development Plan, Sacramento, California, USA
 “R” Street Corridor Urban Design and Development Plan, Sacramento, California, USA
 “R” Street Corridor Urban Design and Development Plan, Sacramento, California, USA
 “R” Street Corridor Urban Design and Development Plan, Sacramento, California, USA
 Musée des beaux-arts de Calais, Calais, France
 Davis Central Park, Davis, California, USA
 Brookfield Zoo, Chicago Zoological Society, Brookfield, Illinois, USA