The Thirteenth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2011
Berkeley Prize 2011

Davis Owen Bio

"When I was younger, I was fortunate to live on multiple fronts of the United States. I can recall thinking of St. Louis as an old city. Maybe this was because of its name, or because that film from the 40s, the one with Judy Garland, was the base of a squat column of VCR tapes under our television.

That old lens through which I had viewed St. Louis did not fall away until I spent my sophomore summer drinking in the city’s humid personality. It is a place caught in the middle. Neither coastal metropolis nor Midwest farm town, St. Louis became a vessel of paradoxes for me. The city had pride and a creative spirit but never emitted pretention.

It was with this love that I came to write this paper. The conditions that exist along the fringe of St. Louis have yet to be addressed in a manner that offers credence to the rest of the city. In a city that traditionally marked the gateway to the western frontier, one would hope that its citizens could cherish the lifestyles of those who explore the unconventional. This opportunity presented by the Berkeley Prize connected me to many in the community, people who found the weaknesses in my analysis and gifted me with their experiences. I am grateful for their generosity."

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
Mr. Davis Owen, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis United States
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