The Third Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2001
Berkeley Prize 2001

The 2001 Essay Prize Competition

An essay contest in Two stages open to all current full-time registered students in an undergraduate architecture degree program, undergraduates majoring in architecture, or diploma students in accredited schools of architecture worldwide. 3,000USD Purse.


The Berkeley Prize undergraduate essay competition was established in the Department of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley to promote architecture as a social art through writing and criticism, two traditionally underrepresented aspects of the architecture curriculum. Architectural history, theory and practice are rich with concepts and realizations of building that signify architecture as a social art. In addressing the questions posed by the Berkeley Prize 2001 essay competition, you will consider this legacy and its relevance to you as future architects.


This year's competition is dedicated to the memory of Aldo Van Eyck, architect and teacher, whose writings as well as buildings are persuasive evidence that architecture, theoretical and realized, can be conceived as social art.

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
Aldo Van Eyck, Hubertus House, Home for Single Parents and Their Children, Amsterdam, (1973-75, built 1976-78) linkage between the old and new structures.
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