The Tenth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2008
Berkeley Prize 2008

Nazneen Saifuddin

Born and brought up in Kuwait but a proud Indian by roots, my passion for architecture started even before I knew what it was. Currently pursuing my undergraduate in Architecture (major) and double minors in Design Management and Urban Design at the American University of Sharjah, I am extremely enticed by Dubai and Mumbai and the multi-faceted dimensions of both these mega-cities. The urge to provide shelter should be the foremost obligation of any architect and keeping this as something to endure to, I wish to make a difference someday. I aspire to generate the much –needed awareness as well as further explore the labor-slum situation in Dubai and the slum situation in my own country.

This summer before the onset of my final year, I shall be interning at a reputed architectural firm in Kuwait, hoping to enhance my architectural and management skills that will enable me to establish a strong foothold in my future endeavor as an architect and project manager.

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
Nazneen Saifuddin, American University of Sharjah, Kuwait
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