The Annual International Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectural Design Excellence
Berkeley Prize 2024

The Ensuing Professional Lives of the Student Winners

If there is one common thread to the Berkeley Prize’s winning students’ submittals, it is that each and every one of the students is committed to a social life, one in which other people’s needs and desires are at the forefront of what they do. A better, people-centered architecture is the ultimate design goal of the Berkeley Prize. A better, people-centered worldview is equally if not more important as the past student winners’ professional lives demonstrate.

What is particularly striking from these responses is how the past student Prize winners integrate an evidence-based approach to design into their personal and professional lives in a variety of different ways.  Here is a range of examples in chronological order.

2023 I 25th Anniversary



2018 I 20th anniversary


(In Their Own Words and Updated)

I: Essay Prize Winners

II: Travel Fellowship Winners

III: Architectural Design Fellowship Winners

(As Found on Social Media)

IV: Essay Prize and Travel Fellowship Winners

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The BERKELEY PRIZE is endorsed by the Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley.