Architecture for the Public Good
Essay Prize Question
Find a building in your community that serves the public - or a special population-- and that you believe is especially well-designed. Who was the architect? What is the purpose of the building? Who does it serve? Why do you think it works so well? How have all of these factors contributed to its unique public significance?
To those architects and clients around the world who commit themselves to creating architecture for the public good, examples of which from the United States are showcased in the recently published and influential,The Power of Pro Bono, edited by BERKELEY PRIZE Committee member John Cary.
Essay Prize Jurors
Christine Macy
Michael Pyatok
Gustavo Romero
Robert Ungar
Essay Prize Winners
First Prize: Loh Kin Kit and Phoaw Yen Shan, National University of Singapore, Singapore: "The Greatest Public Good is Public Space"
Second Prize: Bryans Mukasa, Uganda Martyr's University, Kampala, Uganda: "Suubi; The Architecture of Hope"
Third Prize: Gauri Mathur, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India: "Jawahar Kala Kendra- The Artist's Haven"
Third Prize: Emma Survis, University of Arizona, Tuscon, Arizona, USA: "Gaining Identity"
Travel Fellowship Winners and Destination
Victor Alejandro Oseguera Abarca, Universidad La Salle Morelia, Morelia, Mexico for travel to the 7th International Conference on the Arts in Society in Liverpool, England.
Dominic Mathew, Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra, Ranchi, India for travel to the BMW Guggenheim Lab in Berlin, Germany.
Saumitra Sinha, School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, India for travel to the Visiting School,Campaigning Architecture workshop in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Michael Swords, Dublin School of Architecture, Dublin, Ireland for travel to the La Sabranenque restoration volunteer programme in Saint Victor La Coste, Provence, France.
Architectural Design Competition Fellows
There were no applications for this year's competition.
Related Links
2012 Prize Website
2012 Poster

Mills Building, South Carolina State Hospital, 1827, South Carolina, USA, ROBERT MILLS, Architect