Making Social Architecture
Essay Prize Question
What do you believe is the most needed project in your town that, when built, would better the social situation for a population in need? Please fully and clearly describe the project and why you feel it is so important.
This year's BERKELEY PRIZE is dedicated to those teams and individuals around the world who have committed themselves to the application of the ideals of social architecture to built projects.
Essay Prize Jurors
Rodney Harber
Nguyen Chi Tam
Elizabeth Ogb
Ron Van Oers
Essay Prize Winners
First Prize: Erica Moore and Sara Navrday, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Second Prize: Matthew Clarke, University of Kentucky, Lexington, USA
Third Prize: Talha Khwaja, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, U.S.A
Fourth Prize: Budoor Bukhari, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Travel Fellowship Winners and Destination
First Prize: Budoor Bukhari, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates; Johannesburg, South Africa
Honorable Mention: Gabriela Sorda, University of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Related Links
2007 Prize Website

Women's Center, Rufisque, Senegal; Hollmén Reuter Sandman Architects