Memorable Public Spaces
Essay Prize Question
What makes a place truly public? Go out into a community that you know well and find an exceptional, built example of one such place. In most likelihood, among other attributes, this place will embody the traditions of local culture and be a reflection of the world at large. Describe this place in a way that makes it a compelling demonstration of how other places might remain similarly vital to their own communities. Be both evocative and specific in your tribute to this place.
Essay Prize Jurors
Lesley Naa Norle Lokko
Donlyn Lyndon Faia
Rahul Mehrotra
Ann Arbor
Essay Prize Winners
First Prize: Brian Knight, Southern California Institute of Architecture, USA
Second Prize: Sarah Schaefer, Dalhousie University, Canada
Second Prize Team: Kamana Dhakhwa and Swasti Bhattarai, Institute of Engineering, Nepal
Third Prize: Andri Haflidason, University of Strathclyde, UK
Travel Fellowship Winners and Destination
First Prize: Hadas Rix, The Technion, Israel; International Union of Architects/Union Internationale Des Architectes XXII World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey 2005
Related Links
2005 Prize Website
2005 Poster
Final Press Release

Street Vendor, Mexico City, Mexico