The Twelfth Annual Berkeley Undergraduate Prize for Architectual Design Excellence 2010
Berkeley Prize 2010

The 2010 Architectural Design Fellowship Competition

This opportunity is open to each student who placed as a semifinalist in the 2010 BERKELEY PRIZE Essay Competition.


The BERKELEY PRIZE Committee established the Architectural Design Fellowship Competition to foster the study of the social art of architecture by helping to sponsor local and regional design competitions developed and run by students.

This competition challenges the candidates to produce a thorough and practical proposal for a design competition that would benefit a selected region or institution. Your competition should be based on some aspect of the Essay you have submitted in response to the current year’s topic of Historic Preservation/Heritage Conservation. It is intended that your competition should be concluded before the end of 2010.

The successful candidate will be provided with funds to support the competition and to provide individual cash prizes. You will be asked to name a Faculty or Administrative Advisor within your academic institution for your competition. He or she must agree to assist you with any professional guidance needed to make the competition a success.

It will be up to you, however, to decide the scope of the competition, how you intend to publicize it, establish the entry requirements, select judges, and determine the awards. You will be asked to provide the BERKELEY PRIZE with periodic updates on the progress of your competition and a final report on the results, all of which will be posted on the BERKELEY PRIZE website.

Read the archives of previous years for successful Proposals and Reports on the local competitions.

Additional Help and Information

Are you in need of assistance? Please email
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The BERKELEY PRIZE is endorsed by the Department of Architecture, University of California, Berkeley.